BS&A Training Services
by Munivate
Why contract?
Whether you are onboarding a new employee, or have existing staff looking to expand their knowledge of the BS&A Software, contracting training services from an experienced vendor can help your team get the most out of your BS&A Community Development software.
Why MuniVate?
BS&A Software and Munivate have partnered to allow Munivate to provide high quality training services to BS&A clients.
With over a decade of experience implementing BS&A Software, we bring an expert-level understanding to all aspects of the Community Development modules. We are also subject-matter experts in Planning and Zoning, Permitting, Code Enforcement, Rental Licensing, Business Licensing, Plan Review, Inspections, Bonds and Escrows, Land Development Project Management, GIS Integration, Financial Management Integration, and Report Designing.
We can provide both On-Site and Remote dedicated training.